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Social Responsibility ActivitiesSowing seeds of green in the world

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Creative Contributions Social Responsibilities Sangsang Madang Sangsang Univ. Welfare Foundation Scholarship Foundation

KT&G is maintaining and developing the existing social contribution activities systemically while implementing social contribution activates unique to KT&G such as various Mecenat activities through KT&G Way. It is willing to fulfilling responsibility as a corporate citizen by operating Sangsang Fund, donation petition system,
social contribution activities, Sangsang Volunteer program and Sunfull (positive comment) Campaign

Sangsang Fund

Donation activities made by KT&G personnel

In March 2011, KT&G introduced matching grants to form the “Sangsang Fund,” which is a donation culture unique to KT&G, so that all personnel can have a rewarding experience of doing good deeds through voluntary participation in donations

What are matching grants? A social contribution fund program in which company’s personnel periodically donates support payments to nonprofit organizations and institutions and the company forms a fund with 1:1 matching amounts with the support payments

Donation petition system

The “donation petition system’’ is a new donation culture that practices sharing

Surpassing the past one-dimensional donation method of monetary donations, KT&G is forming and diffusing a new donation culture in which people donate in the way they want in relation to the items, places, and methods involved in donating. A representative example is the “donation petition system” made for the effective utilization of KT&G’s Sangsang Fund.

As for the method for participating in the donation petition system, if a proposal for donation is submitted through the KT&G in-house intranet, petitions will be made through comments, and if 200 or more recommending comments are written, the proposal will be adopted and a donation will be determined using the Sangsang Fund through actual on-the-spot inspection.
The donation petition system is quite meaningful in that personnel’s intentions are actively reflected because the Sangsang Fund has been made by gathering donations from personnel. KT&G expects that the donation petition system will be established as a donation culture unique to KT&G in which the personnel actively participate in the act of donation, rather than just making donations.

Donation petition system progression process

Social contribution

Activities of the KT&G personnel service group

The KT&G personnel service group was established in October 2007 by the personnel so that they could participate firsthand in the solution to community problems, thereby concretely practicing the return of corporate profits to society. As of 2018, 171 service groups in 20 institutions throughout the country are in operation. In 2017, a total of 745 personnel conducted volunteer activities for 13,296 hours.

Sangsang Volunteers

Volunteer activities for university students to donate their talents

To provide university students who are enthusiastic about volunteer activities with opportunities to practice sharing, KT&G has been recruiting and operating Sangsang Volunteer, an university student volunteer group since 2010. The Sangsang Volunteer groups are acting in 14 regions under regional headquarters throughout the country, and support university students to plan and execute volunteer services in the form of “talent donation under new concepts” in which volunteers’ talents are donated to appropriate places. A total of 4,200 university students participated to conduct volunteer activities for approximately 200,000 hours in diverse areas such as talent donating work, campaigns, linkage with regional festivals, revivals of traditional markets, and regional environment cleaning work.

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