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Management Informaion
As a ‘Righteous company,’ KT&G

Shareholder Structure

  • Foreigners
  • Domestic Individuals and Institutional Investors
  • Treasury Shares
  • National Pension
  • ESOP
As of December 31, 2024
45.37% 29.05% 13.96% 7.59% 4.03%
Total Shares 125,362,497

Total Shares Issued

Category Ordinary Shares Preferred Shares
  • FY2024 125,362,497 -
  • FY2023 133,822,497 -
  • FY2022 137,292,497 -
  • FY2021 137,292,497 -
  • FY2020 137,292,497 -

The 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Results

The 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Results
No. of shares with voting rights 112,809,923
Shares present 91,297,872
Participation rate 80.9%
Participation rate excluding
the largest shareholders and affiliated persons(%)
(Largest shareholder as of end Dec 2023 is the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK), and there are no shares owned by affiliated persons.)
Agenda Approval rate Result
No.1 Approval of Financial Statements and Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings for the 37th Fiscal Year 95.7% Approved
No.2 Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation - -
No.2-1 Addition of Business Purposes 99.5% Approved
No.2-2 Alignment of Provisions Including Incorporation of Certain Amendments to the Korean Commercial Code 99.5% Approved
No.2-3 Transfer of Authority to Recommend/Propose Dismissal of Inside Directors 99.5% Approved
No.2-4 Improvement of the Composition and Operation of the President Candidate Recommendation Committee 99.5% Approved
No.2-5 Improvement of the Composition of Committees within the Board of Directors 99.5% Approved
No.2-6 Amendment Regarding the Dividend Record Date 99.5% Approved
No.3 Appointment of Two (2) Directors (cumulative voting requested by Agnes, etc.) - -
No.3-1 Appointment of Kyung-Man Bang as President/Representative Director (Proposal by KT&G’s Board of Directors) 50.9% Approved
No.3-2 Appointment of Min-Kyu Lim as Outside Director (Proposal by KT&G’s Board of Directors) 14.8% Rejected
No.3-3 Appointment of Dong-Hwan Shon as Outside Director (Shareholder Proposal_by Industrial Bank of Korea) 34.3% Approved
No.3-4 Appointment of Sang-Hyun Lee as Outside Director (Shareholder Proposal_by Agnes)1) - -
No.4 Appointment of Outside Director Who Will Also Serve as an Audit Committee Member (Sang-Wook Kwak) 75.1% Approved
No.5 Approval of Cap on Remunerations for Directors 88.2% Approved

※ Shares present: Total number of common shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting.
(The number of common shares with voting rights for each resolution item at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders' may change according to relevant laws and regulations which may result in different numbers of voting shares available for each resolution.)

  • 1) Agenda No. 3-4 : Agenda No. 3-4 was abandoned as candidate Sang-Hyun Lee withdrew himself from candidacy

Adoption of concentrated voting system, system of voting in writing and electronic voting system

Item Adoption Remarks

  • Concentrated voting system Adopted
    • - Concentrated voting system is introduced through the modification of the Articles of Association at the time of regular stockholder’s meeting on 2001.3.23
    • - There must be right to claim appointment of director in accordance with the concentrated voting system for the stockholders with more than 1/100 of the total number of stocks issued with voting rights of the company and the stockholder wishing to exercise the said right must submit claim to the company in writing or electronic document at least 6 weeks prior to the date of stockholder’s meeting (in the case of regular stockholder’s meeting, the date of regular stockholder’s meeting in the immediately preceding year).
  • System of voting in writing Not adopted
  • Electronic voting system Adopted
    • - Adoption of the Electronic voting system to enhance convenience of shareholders’ exercise of voting rights by decision of Board of Directors on February 10th, 2022
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