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Sowing seeds of green in the world

TCFD Report

At KT&G, we declared our support for TFCD in 2020, and in order to effectively and transparently communicate the outcomes of implementing the TCFD Recommendation, we plan to announce the related information in an ongoing manner. To ensure smooth communication among all internal and external stakeholders, we will continually update the status of implementing the TCFD Recommendations.

2023 TCFD Report 2023
TCFD Report

KT&G is building a management system to identify in advance the impact of climate change on the company and proactively respond to risks and opportunities. In order to achieve the goal consistent with the Paris Agreement, which seeks to keep the rise of the average global temperature from the pre-industrial level, at significantly lower than 2℃, and to limit it to 1.5℃ or less, we actively work with various partners, governments, related organizations, and initiatives. We would like to work together and thereby contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

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