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Global Business
To become a transparent, righteous company

History of Overseas Expansion

KT&G has established local plants and is manufacturing and distributing main brands such as ESSE and PINE in order to smoothly supply tobacco for export to nearby and other countries. KT&G is taking part in vitalizing local economies by hiring local workers.

History of KT&G's
overseas expansion

148 Country

Cigarettes+NGP sticks, Exports to around 148 countries (2024.12)

Brand 870

Exports to about 870 brands (2024.12)

8 Awards

$800 million Awarded Export Tower
(2017, Korea International Trade Association)

Global Record 669

Cigarettes 58.6 billion + NGP sticks 8.3 billion
(2024 annual basis)

Overseas Employment

Local Employees 5,463 people Contributed to the creation of overseas employment (2024.12)

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