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As an ‘Enlightened company,’ KT&G
434 “A quantum leap to become a global top-tier”... KT&G performs a future vision proclamation ceremony 2023.01.27
On the 26th, KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) hosted the 'KT&G Future Vision Proclamation Ceremony' and presented the group's ambitions and roadmap for becoming a global "Top-Tier" firm.

At the event held at KT&G Sangsang Planet, CEO Baek Bok-in revealed the '2027 KT&G Vision' and outline the growth strategy with NGP (Next Generation Products), Dry Food (Health Functional Food), and Global CC (Cigarette Tobacco) as the three primary business axes. KT&G intends to cultivate NGP and dry food as the company's primary growth businesses through the business portfolio direction of a virtuous cycle structure in which financial resources are generated through investment in the main business and then reinvested in the nurturing business.

On this date, KT&G announced its audacious goals for long-term large-scale investment and global market expansion, highlighting its desire to become a global top-tier firm with growth potential. Based on around 4 trillion won of growth investment in core business areas over the next five years, the company will reach 10 trillion won in sales by 2027. Through the qualitative expansion of the business, the objective is to expand the sales portion of the global business to 50 percent and the NGP and dry food sales portion to more than 60 percent.

Prioritizing the global expansion of the rapidly developing NGP industry, KT&G declared that it would emphasize the acquisition of more sophisticated innovative technology capabilities and the expansion of global production capacity. In addition, KGC Ginseng Corporation's dry food business, which is unrivaled in Korea, will be vigorously cultivated as a vital growth engine to target the two-track international markets centered in the United States and China. Through this strategy, the NGP and dry food businesses aspire to reach sales of over 2 trillion won by 2027 and maximize business performance by actively pursuing synergy opportunities between the dry food and pharmaceutical industries.

Meanwhile, on the same day, KT&G organized an online business briefing session to interact openly with shareholders and capital market officials. KT&G is now implementing its three-year shareholder return plan of approximately 2.75 trillion won beginning in 2021 and is projected to pay 5,000 won per share in dividends this year, an increase of 200 won from last year.

According to the three-year shareholder return plan, KT&G anticipates returning approximately 900 billion won to shareholders in 2023, including the purchase of treasury stock worth 300 billion won and the payment of dividends worth 600 billion won. Additionally, the company has announced that it will introduce semi-annual dividends. After 2024, it intends to push a more expansive shareholder return strategy while maintaining an upward trend in dividends per share; the specifics will be announced in the second half of this year.

An official from KT&G stated, "For the past five years, KT&G has been pushing for the acceleration of the worldwide growth of its core businesses and surpassing the record for yearly sales. We will quickly seize chances in the global market so that we can unleash greater future growth potential and become a global top-tier firm by investing aggressively and innovating."

(Photo1) On the 26th, KT&G held the 'KT&G Future Vision Proclamation Ceremony' at Sangsang Planet in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, and presented the group's objectives and roadmap for becoming a global 'Top-Tier' firm. The photograph depicts CEO Baek Bok-in describing the "KT&G Vision for 2027."

(Photo2) On the 26th, KT&G held the 'KT&G Future Vision Proclamation Ceremony' at Sangsang Planet in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, and presented the group's objectives and roadmap for becoming a global 'Top-Tier' firm. CEO Baek Bok-in (first row, middle) and KT&G executives and employees pose for a commemorative photograph.

(Photo3) On the 26th, KT&G held the 'KT&G Future Vision Proclamation Ceremony' at Sangsang Planet in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, and presented the group's objectives and roadmap for becoming a global 'Top-Tier' firm. The photograph depicts the Future Vision Declaration Ceremony in progress.

(Photo4) On the 26th, KT&G held the 'KT&G Future Vision Proclamation Ceremony' at Sangsang Planet in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, and presented the group's objectives and roadmap for becoming a global 'Top-Tier' firm. After the future vision proclamation ceremony, CEO Baek Bok-in (fourth from left) and other KT&G executives and employees hold a commemorative ceremony.
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