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596 KT&G Declares “Carbon Neutral by 2050”… “Full-Scale Start” of ESG Management 2021.05.13
KT&G (CEO, Bok-In Baek) has declared its goal of becoming “Carbon Neutral by 2050” through reducing greenhouse gas emissions in response to the climate change crisis. Carbon neutral means making the substantive emission volume of greenhouse gases “0” by setting up measures to absorb the greenhouse gases emitted.

First, KT&G is planning to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030 compared to the levels in 2020, and to realize carbon neutral status by 2050, which is the ultimate goal. To achieve this, KT&G plans to expand its  scope of environmental responsibility not only to the workplace, but also to the entire “Value-Chain” that leads from raw materials to production and sales, and promote the expansion of renewable energy, improvement of energy efficiency, and support for energy efficiency improvement of leaf tobacco farms stage by stage. In the mid- to long-term, KT&G plans to engage in external greenhouse gas reduction projects in connection with domestic and overseas value chains and put forth effort to secure Certificated Emissions Reduction (CER).

Also, the company has decided to reduce water consumption by 20% by 2030 compared to the levels in 2020 and to achieve 90% in waste recycling rate by 2030, accelerating the transition of the circular economy.

KT&G has announced its environmental management vision with these mid- and long-term plans on its official website. This vision reflects the commitment to eco-friendly management to spread “GREEN IMPACT” by minimizing the climate impact of corporate operations and the overall value chain. The target was set based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the international guideline of the Science-Based Emissions Reduction Targets (SBT).

Meanwhile, KT&G is speeding up the reinforcement of environment, society, and governance (ESG) by implementing environmental management that values a sustainable future. Last month, KT&G participated in the “K-EV100” declaration, announcing its plan to reduce greenhouse gases by more than 20,000 tons by converting a total of 1,200 business vehicles into eco-friendly vehicles, such as electric vehicles, by 2030. 

An official from KT&G said, “We have established a mid- to long-term environmental management strategies including carbon neutral to recognize the magnitude of the climate change problem and to participate in global efforts to respond to the crisis. We will continue to actively participate in solving social and environmental issues and make additional efforts to establish an ESG management system that meets the global standards”.

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