KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) has
delivered a welfare support fee of 400 million won to leaf tobacco farms
suffering from the negative impact of COVID-19, to help promote their
continuous growth. The corresponding support fund will be used for health
check-ups for 1000 senior leaf tobacco farmers as well as scholarship for 80
children in farming households.
Due to the continuous decrease in Korea’s
farming population and the recent impact of COVID-19, farms are facing
difficulties securing labor. Also the characteristics of leaf tobacco farming
makes it difficult to mechanize the production process, so it requires hard
human labor. The farmers on the leaf tobacco farms especially are also
relatively older and as such, more attention is required for their health.
KT&G has been continuing
support businesses to enhance the welfare of domestic leaf tobacco farms and to
relieve their financial difficulties. The support of 2.454 billion won for
health inspections of farmers and scholarships for their children since 2013 is
a representative business, and there were up to 6900 beneficiaries up to this
KT&G has been putting a lot of
effort into protecting the tobacco leaf farm, including only purchasing entire
quantities of tobacco leaves that are produced domestically, among all tobacco
companies in Korea. Moreover, we send volunteer groups to farms to lend a
helping hand to those facing challenges due to lack of labor, planting tobacco
leaves as well as harvesting them. Last year, our volunteer groups paid a visit
to the region in Gangwon hit with forest fire, in order to help with
restoration and also provide compensation.
Shin Song-ho, KT&G Director of Base
Materials said, “As a partner to the farming community, KT&H has been
continuing with diverse activities to resolve the distress farms are
experiencing.” He added, “I hope that this support provides some vitality to
the farmers in need, especially since the COVID-19 crisis, and be of small help
to their economic condition. We will continue our efforts for farmers in the

(Photo 1)
KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) held the ‘2020 Delivery Ceremony for Health Check-up
and Scholarship for Tobacco Leaf Farms’ and delivered the welfare promotion
fund of 400 million won. The photo shows Kim Sam-su of KTGO (Korea Tobacco
Growers Organization, KTGO) (left) and Shin Song-ho KT&G Director of Base
Materials (right) at the delivery ceremony that took place at the Tobacco
Production Stabilizing Foundation in Daejeon on the 20th.
(Photo 2)
KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) held the ‘2020 Delivery Ceremony for Health Check-up
and Scholarship for Tobacco Leaf Farms’ and delivered the welfare promotion
fund of 400 million won. The photo shows Kim Sam-su, President of KTGO (Korea
Tobacco Growers Organization, KTGO) (from the left), Shin Song-ho, KT&G
Director of Base Materials, and Baek Byung-gab, Chairman of the Board of
Tobacco Production Stabilizing Foundation, at the delivery ceremony that took place
at the Tobacco Production Stabilizing Foundation in Daejeon on the 20th.