(CEO Min Young-jin) is to luxuriously renew the three types of SIMPLE, which has
held the No. 1 place in the domestic slim cigarette market with its
differentiated filter and mild flavor.
The targets of renewal are SIMPLE ACE 1, SIMPLE ACE 5, and
SIMPLE VISION 3, which adopt a luxurious and mild-looking design with a gold
line motif, expressing the dignity of consumers in their 30s to 40s who mainly
love SIMPLE.
Of these, the existing double-layered tube filter of
SIMPLE ACE 5 has been changed to a triple-layered tube filter, bringing out a high-tar,
rich flavor while at the same time getting the smoke down the throat more
smoothly. The flavor of the remaining two products is the same as the existing
SIMPLE, launched in 1996, is a much-loved brand to which
a differentiated filter technology has been applied, such as a solid
triple-layered tube filter and a super carbon filter. SIMPLE accounts for about
40% of the current domestic slim cigarette market, and market share within this
market has been increasing since 2010.
the tar and nicotine content of
the three types of renewed SIMPLE are the same as the existing products, and the
price is also same as the existing products: ₩2,500 per pack.