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As an ‘Enlightened company,’ KT&G
686 KT&G President Kyung-man Bang, Participates in ‘Love Meal Sharing’ Volunteer Activity with Executives and Employees 2024.05.15
On the 14th, KT&G President Kyung-man Bang participated in the 'Love Meal Sharing' volunteer activity at the 'Ttaseuhan Chaeumteo,' a municipal free meal service center near Seoul Station, along with executives and employees, in celebration of Family Month.

Love Meal Sharing' is a free meal support activity that KT&G has been continuing since 2018 to improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups. On this day, President Kyung-man Bang and about 20 executives and employees served rice and side dishes directly and handed out homemade patbingsu (red bean ice desserts), extending a helping hand to neighbors in need, such as the elderly living alone and the homeless.

In addition to 'Ttaseuhan Chaeumteo,' KT&G also regularly supports free meals at 'Daejeon St. Mary's House.' The total accumulated support funds amount to 790 million KRW, benefiting approximately 130,000 people. Furthermore, in 2017, KT&G donated the 'Hope Food Truck' to 'Ttaseuhan Chaeumteo' to ensure that help reaches those in need.

The support funds are provided by the 'Sangsang Fund,' which is created through voluntary donations by KT&G executives and employees. The 'Sangsang Fund' is KT&G's unique social contribution fund established in 2011, where employees voluntarily donate a portion of their monthly salary, and the company matches the same amount through a 'matching grant.' This fund is used to support marginalized groups domestically and internationally and to address urgent social issues.

President Kyung-man Bang of KT&G said, “In May, the month of families, we participated in this volunteer activity to reflect on our neighbors who are lonely and in difficult situations and to extend a hand of sharing together with our executives and employees,” adding, “The company will continue to actively engage in social contribution activities to promote regional coexistence and the culture of sharing.” 

Meanwhile, KT&G, in practicing its management philosophy of being a 'company that works together,' aims for the sustainable development of both the company and society as a global corporate citizen and carries out various activities to contribute to the local community. In recognition of its ongoing social contribution efforts, KT&G received the Presidential Commendation in the field of social economy in 2021 and the Youth Employment Promotion category of the 'Job Creation Government Award' in 2022.

(Photo Description1) KT&G President Kyung-man Bang participated in the 'Love Meal Sharing' volunteer activity at the 'Ttaseuhan Chaeumteo,' a municipal free meal service center near Seoul Station, on the 14th, in celebration of Family Month. The photo shows President Kyung-man Bang (left in the front) handing out patbingsu (red bean ice desserts) prepared as a snack.

(Photo Description2) KT&G President Kyung-man Bang participated in the 'Love Meal Sharing' volunteer activity at the 'Ttaseuhan Chaeumteo,' a municipal free meal service center near Seoul Station, on the 14th, in celebration of Family Month. The photo shows KT&G President Kyung-man Bang (second from the right) and executives and employees participating in the meal service volunteer activity.
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