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685 KT&G Sangsang Madang Calls for Entries for the 16th Great Short Film Festival 2024.06.03
KT&G Sangsang Madang is publicly recruiting entries for the 16th Great Short Film Festival until the 23rd.

Started in 2007, the Great Short Film Festival is a cultural contribution program by KT&G Sangsang Madang aimed at discovering and supporting prominent domestic short films.

Eligible submissions are short films under 20 minutes, newly produced after June 1, 2023. Films that pass the preliminary screening will be shown at the festival, held from September 5th to 10th at KT&G Sangsang Madang Cinema. Seven outstanding works will be selected through audience evaluations and professional jury reviews, and the winners will receive a total of 17 million KRW in prize money and trophies.

Additionally, this year's festival will include a newly established 'Production Support Project' to discover and support the production of excellent short screenplays. Selected screenplays will receive a production support fund of 10 million KRW, and the completed works will be screened at the next film festival.

For detailed information on the Great Short Film Festival and how to apply, visit the KT&G Sangsang Madang website (

Geon Lee, Head of Cinema at KT&G’s Cultural Contribution Division, stated, “The Great Short Film Festival has contributed to expanding the base of domestic independent films and has been a gateway for new film directors and actors,” adding, “We hope this festival will be a platform for emerging directors and actors, as well as a festive occasion for filmmakers and audiences to enjoy together.”

Meanwhile, KT&G Sangsang Madang supports the creative activities of emerging artists and offers extensive cultural experiences to the public. Since its inception at Sangsang Madang Hongdae in 2007, it has expanded to five locations including Nonsan, Chuncheon, Daechi, and Busan, contributing to the expansion of the cultural base and regional cultural development. Sangsang Madang attracts approximately 3 million visitors annually, hosting over 3,000 cultural and artistic programs each year.

(Photo Description) KT&G Sangsang Madang is recruiting entries for the 16th Great Short Film Festival until the 23rd. The photo shows the poster for the call for entries for the 16th Great Short Film Festival.
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