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KT&G Launches 8th Edition of Youth Entrepreneurship Support Program Sangsang Startup Camp 2024.01.12
KT&G, led by CEO Baek Bok-in, officially launched the 8th edition of the Sangsang Startup Camp, a youth entrepreneurship support program, from the 10th to the 12th.

The eight edition of Sangsang Startup Camp will run for approximately eight months from January to August, and is divided into three tracks: the Start Track for early-stage entrepreneurs, the Growth Track for seed-stage entrepreneurs, and a new addition this year, the Global Track for entrepreneurs aiming for international expansion. KT&G plans to discover and nurture a total of 24 youth entrepreneurial teams across these three tracks.

Initially, KT&G recruited participants for the Start Track targeting entrepreneurs with less than 3 years of startup experience last month. Following evaluations, 15 teams were selected, and until April, they will undergo mentoring, networking, and other educational programs.

In March, recruitment for participants in the Growth Track and Global Track will take place, with operations running from April to August. In the Growth Track, entrepreneurs with more than 3 years but less than 10 years of startup experience will be selected to receive education on follow-up investment, 1:1 mentoring, and more. The newly established Global Track in the 8th edition will target entrepreneurs with more than 3 years but less than 10 years of experience who aspire to enter the Indonesian market. It includes networking opportunities with local venture capital (VC) in Indonesia and training to enhance global capabilities.

KT&G has been operating the Sangsang Startup Camp since 2017 to promote the social venture startup ecosystem and support youth entrepreneurs. Until last year, it produced a total of 144 startup teams, generating over KRW 42 billion in cumulative revenue and creating employment opportunities for more than 830 individuals. Notably, 36 teams from Sangsang Startup Camp entered the government's Social Enterprise Cultivation Project. Recognizing these contributions, KT&G received the Presidential Commendation for Job Creation in 2022 and the Presidential Commendation for Social Economy Contribution in 2021.

A KT&G representative stated, "Through the 8th edition of Sangsang Startup Camp, held for the eighth consecutive year, we have continued to support the dreams of various young entrepreneurs with practical assistance," adding, "We will continue to provide differentiated support to ensure that young talents can spread positive influence in society."

(Photo Description) KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) officially commenced the 8th edition of the youth entrepreneurship support program, Sangsang Startup Camp, conducting the orientation from the 10th to the 12th. The photo captures Sim Young-ah, Director of KT&G Social Contribution Division (front and center), along with participants of the 8th Start Track of the Sangsang Startup Camp taking a commemorative photo.
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