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As an ‘Enlightened company,’ KT&G
403 KT&G, holds the Imagination Fund Year-End Sharing event for energy-poor people 2021.12.21
The "Imagination Fund Year-End Sharing" event is a social contribution activity held by KT&G organizations in Korea, including regional headquarters and factories until the end of the year to help underprivileged neighbors who are having hard time due to COVID-19 and cold temperatures. 

Since November, each local organization has been delivering essential goods needed for winter such as winter supplies and food materials to the underprevileged in local communities through social welfare organizations. They plan to provide 450 million KRW worth of goods to 34 nationwide social welfare organizations by the end of the year. KT&G has been organizing end-of-year volunteer activities such as kimchi and coal briquette sharing events, led by employee volunteers of KT&G. 

Previously, KT&G held a 'coal briquette run to support low-income people who are experiencing energy poverty at the end of the year. The 'coal briquette run' is a participatory volunteer activity combined with running and donations. It accumulated coal briquettes as much as a running distance of 200 executives and employees of KT&G, and delivered approximaterly 80 million KRW worth of briquettes and winter supplies. In addition, other donation goods will be delivered to underprevileged and orphanage in Malang, Indonesia through a 'coloring kits (T-shirt and Eco bag)', a volunteer activity that executives and employees donate goods that they color themselves.

KT&G official said "As the end of the year approaches, we organized the 'Imagination Fund Year-End Sharing' event to help neighbors who are undergoing economic hardships. We will continuously communicate with the local community and practice sharing activities for neighbors in need of help." 

Expenses required for the event were fully raised by the "Imagination Fund", which was collected from voluntary donations by executives and employees of KT&G. The "Imagination Fund" is a unique social contribution fund founded in 2011 that is run in a "matching grant" form, where executives and employees voluntarily donate a certain amount from thier salary every month and the company adds the same amount accordingly. This fund is used for supporting the underprevileged and solving urgent social issue at home and abroad. 

(Photo1) KT&G  (CEO, Bok-In Baek) holds the "Imagination Fund Year-End Sharing", an event to donate 450 million KRW worth of goods to 34 social welfare organizations in Korea, at the nationwide organizations. Sang-Hak Lee, Vice-president of KT&G (second from left), Jung-Moon Lee, member of the National Assembly (third from left), and Gap-Soe Kim, Chairman of Cheonan-si Welfare Foundation (second from right) attended the kimchi delivery ceremony which was held at KT&G's Cheonan factory on December 2. 

(Photo2) As the end of the year approaches, KT&G executives and employees participate in the "Coal Briquette Run", which accumulates coal briquettes as they run.
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