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As an ‘Enlightened company,’ KT&G
645 KT&G to strengthen job support for young people in partnership with Ministry of Emplo 2021.11.17
KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) will join the Youth Employment Support Project hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor to strengthen public-private partnership for job support.

The Youth Employment Support Project is a project designed to enable corporations and the Ministry of Employment and Labor to collaborate to develop young people’s capabilities to find jobs and to create a hiring culture which youths can relate to.

To this end, the Youth Employment Support Conference was held on November 16 at KT&G Sangsang Planet in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. At the conference, KT&G received a membership certificate for the Youth Employment Support Project in the presence of about 20 people, including Minister of Employment and Labor Ahn Gyeong-deok, Chairman Son Kyung-shik of Korea Enterprises Federation, and executives of major companies. The track record of the project was also reviewed, and case studies of each company were presented. A forum was also provided where measures to promote employment which young people can identify with were discussed. 

Meanwhile, KT&G is supporting start-up trainings through Sangsang Start-up Camp, which is a program to develop socially innovative entrepreneurs. Through the program, 97 start-up companies were formed in total, 745 jobs were created, and cumulative sales of about 20 billion won were recorded. KT&G Sangsang Planet, a space to support entrepreneurship, provides business coaching and mentoring services for those building a start-up company. 

Independent bands and up-and-coming artists are supported through KT&G Sangsang Madang, and various programs for young adults are being carried out at Sangsang Univ, including a program to assist college students in improving their marketing capabilities. 

Shim Young-ah, the head of KT&G's Social Contribution Office, said, "We will help young people who will lead the future, so that they can design their dreams and career paths easily and grow." “We will continuously take an initiative of resolving the youth unemployment and systematically support entrepreneurship and youths’ capacity to get employed,” she added. 
(Photo 1) KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) joined the Youth Employment Support Project organized by the Ministry of Employment 
and Labor to strengthen support for youth employment. 
At the Youth Employment Support Conference at KT&G Sangsang Planet on November 16, Lee Sang-hak, 
head of KT&G's sustainability management division (Vice-President, middle), 
received a membership certificate from Minister of Employment and Labor Ahn Gyeong-deok (left) 
and Korea Enterprises Federation President Son Kyung-sik (right), and took a photo together. 

(Photo 2) KT&G (CEO Baek Bok-in) joined the Youth Employment Support Project organized by the Ministry of Employment 
and Labor to strengthen support for youth employment. 
The photo was taken at the Youth Employment Support Conference at KT&G Sangsang Planet on November 16, 
with Lee Sang-hak, head of KT&G's Sustainability Management Division (Vice-President), Son Kyung-sik, 
president of Korea Enterprises Federation, and Ahn Gyeong-deok, Minister of Employment and Labor (third from the right) in attendance.
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