RAISON aero Fitted with Fresh Space Filter is Reborn The cigarette RAISON aero, with its distinctive space filter feature, was renewed with a fresh flavor and sleek design.
Web Accessibility Certification Mark for Disabled and Elderly People Obtained KT&G announced that it had acquired the Web Accessibility Certification Mark by redesigning its homepage (www.ktng.com) so that disabled and elderly people may use it with ease.
KT&G and Korea Student Aid Foundation Embark on Visiting Our Cultural Assets in Japan KT&G and KOSAF (Chair of the Board Lee Gyeong-suk) led the “Sangsang, Pride of Korea” project aimed at visiting Korean cultural assets in Japan with 200 university students.
KT&G to Remodel Homes for the 6․25 Korean War Veterans Through the project the Army Headquarters repairs, in a modern style the homes of persons of national merit living in straitened circumstances who are selected from among the 6.25 Korean War veterans.
KT&G Implements Donation Petition System for the Sangsang Fund KT&G announced that it would introduce a “Donation Petition System” in which the beneficiaries of the Sangsang Fund, created voluntarily by officers and employees of KT&G, are directly recommended.
ESSE presso with a Mild and Rich Flavor is Launched KT&G (CEO Min Young-jin) is launching ESSE presso, which brings out mild and rich flavor through the method of adding double fragrance, on March 13.
KT&G Launches Limited Version of This Plus Clad in ARENA Fashion Sense KT&G (CEO Min Young-jin) will launch a limited volume of 16.5 million packs of “This Plus Arena Pack” with a sensuous design made in collaboration with the fashion magazine Arena.
KT&G Holds Facebook Cover Photo Contest KT&G (CEO Min Young-jin) is holding a Facebook Cover Photo Contest to select photos that will deck out the main screen of KT&G Facebook page.
Tonino Lamborghini New Taste 3.0 is Launched The distinctive feature of the Tonino Lamborghini New Taste 3.0 version is that it has reduced the level of throat irritation with a newly fitted 17mm super carbon filter.
The One Impact Collaborates with the Prestigious Man’s Magazine Maxim KT&G will sell a limited edition of one million packs of The One Impact’ Maxim Magazine Edition made in design collaboration with the world-renowned men’s magazine Maxim for four weeks.